Tuesday, September 2, 2008

??your pictures??

Hi Everyone

Just to put a face to comments, if you have a picture you wish to use for this blog, email it to me so I can upload it and it should come up with your comments .You can email it to jix.logan@gmail.com.

Jim Logan
Blog Administrator

1 comment:

brenda l croft said...

Hey Jim and everyone,

I think it's good for us to look to put something together but I wouldn't want it to be considered only as work by 'colonised' artists, as I think we have much more to offer than just that approach. There are some great venues though so we could also think of having a 'moving' shared house that travels around the city each Biennale.

How would it be funded? How do people get nominated/nominate - place submissions. Who selects? Etc etc.

Just some thoughts. If you haven't seen our inaugural National Indigenous Art Triennial: Culture Warriors go to www.nga.gov.au

Mundatch, Brenda xo